Watertown Area Memory Care & Aging Network

Screenings History
The first annual Memory Care Screening was in November of 2013. The Watertown Alzheimer's Council identified the need for screenings and under the guidance and cooperation of The Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA), it was a big success! From 2013 to 2019, nearly 300 people were screened. The screenings were stopped in 2020 due to Covid. WAMCAN is proud to start offering them again in 2023!
The AFA has supported these efforts with national guidelines, different screening tools, liability forms and a great deal of information, including brochures, pamphlets and their website expertise. They offer information on set up, locations, privacy concerns, and follow up guidance so those screened may contact their personal care physicians after the screening if they choose to do so. Our Memory Screenings do NOT diagnose. They do offer tools for professionals to use to screen someone's memory and other cognitive functions.
WAMCAN offers a welcoming place, friendly faces, information about memory loss and professional screeners for this event. It remains a free event for the community.
Our next free memory screening will be held on Tuesday , October 3rd, 2023 at the Watertown Event Center. Watch our Faceook page for more updates!